Week of the 27th of July

This week was all about getting back on track with our GenCon to-do list. We still needed a logo, we still needed to make changes to the card file, and we still needed to write up a rules sheet. Oh, and we needed a company name.

The FEPH (That's First Exposure Playtest Hall, where you can go to show off your game that hasn't been published yet) registration form requires you to fill in a company name "if applicable." I wrote in "none applicable" which, I found out later, made us "Jacob Games." The president of Double Exposure (who run the FEPH) suggested we come up with another - and to make it something we could potentially use for other games. After talking it over, we landed on "Smiling Mythos Games." A positive, non-serious-sounding name that also gets across that we both care a lot about story.

We also realized (thanks to Billy's girlfriend) that we ought to have, you know, contact information. And business cards. In case we wanted to drum up any contacts. Or business. I believe her words were "If you're doing this just to get playtest feedback, why are you doing this at all?" She was right - we were already getting playtest feedback for free - why should we bother paying money to attend GenCon if we weren't interested in meeting people and reaching out?

So we added several things to the to-do list. One of them was to create this blog! We also decided we needed an email address people could reach us at (RejectSquadGame@Gmail.com) not to mention it would be nice to set up a website and order some business cards.


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