Week of September the 20th

Hi all! Sorry for the lack of updates. Sometimes we get busy and don't meet for a while.

On Sept. 20th, we continued to work on how we envision the new crisis system working. We know we want to have some beginning tasks to kick the story off with a more concrete direction for players to take the story in. We brainstormed a few up and realized that their structure included:

  1. A name
  2. A flavorful quote (which we may eventually replace the name with)
  3. A description
  4. An immediate thing to do
So, for example:
  • Name: Prison Break
  • Quote: "They're making a break for it!"
  • Description: The opposition is breaking someone important out of a high-security prison.
  • Immediate task: The team has to find a way into that prison!
We created several of these tasks, and decided we would try to create a few more before our next meeting. As we brainstormed these, we realized that there was a sixth element that was really great for these beginning tasks: a question for the group to answer. The important question for our above example, "Prison Break," ended up being: who is getting broken out of prison? Here's another example of a beginning task complete with question:
  • Name: Hunt for the Relic
  • Quote: "Stop, thief!"
  • Description: The opposition is going to steal a very valuable object. The team has to make sure they steal it first!
  • Immediate Task: The team needs to break in to wherever the object is being held!
  • Important Question: What is the valuable object?
Before next week, we also agreed that I would get in contact with a friend of ours who could shed some light on what we would need to do to start looking into actually, you know... publishing this game. More on that later!


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